Powerful Quantum Food!
Saturday, June 2, 2012 at 08:45PM
Yoga Leaks in health

Warning:  Reading the following information has been known to cause random sprouting of dreadlocks in civilizations beyond my control.

 In my nation we regularly eat quantum food. We call it Sacred Meal.  It’s not new, rather a long held secret harboured by sages, priests, and high government for thousands of years. Egyptian Pharaohs, Daniel and John the Baptist from the Bible, Hercules (the man) and Pythagoras all prepared this sacred meal.  Subsequently, their super-human strength and mental superiority became legendary. 

Sacred Meal is a combination of organic food and sacred geometry.  A handful of people from antiquities could prepare food in accordance with the mathematical laws inherent to nature and life.  As a result, the potency of their meals became far greater than the sum of its parts.

 Two ways to prepare Sacred Meal

 1.  Pulse.  This method requires 26 ingredients.  26 is a number significant to sacred geometry.  Om Shanti Peace Love! I didn’t just write that… 


Sorry.  I’ll go on.

Pulse is prepared using the golden mean, or phi ratio (1.618).  It’s a ratio which nature aspires to achieve.  You may have seen it in Da Vinci’s work.  We also use the Fibonacci sequence. This is a set of numbers that is observed in nature: from the numbers of leaves that grow on a branch to how a pineapple fruits out of its bromeliad parent. 

 The wisdom of Phi and the Fibonacci sequence determine the number of seeds, nuts, fruits, flowers, leaves and grains we combine to make Pulse.  It’s far out; an ancient secret slowly coming to light. 

 More of our food shall be prepared this way in the future. At its least, it’s economical.

 2.  Sacred Meal.  Yes, that’s right.  This sacred meal is called… Sacred Meal.  It’s a powerful quantum food that is pre-prayered by artisans. Versed in the ways of sacred geometry, they observe the ancient Vedic Gayatri mantra.  These special people remove themselves from the business of common society to live a monk’s existence. This way, their energy can remain pure and in harmony with the mantra. Their ways enhance the energy of the ingredients exponentially. Om Shanti Peace Love! 



Article originally appeared on yogaleaks (http://www.healthyleaks.com/).
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