skin ageing - look and feel timeless
Sunday, September 15, 2013 at 06:43PM
Yoga Leaks in Beauty, Health, anti-ageing, detox, eminence organics, fasting, lady gaga, organic skin care, phyts, plastic surgery, skin care, sodashi, vegetarian

 Have you cruised the contours of our face to inspect the ageing process. How’s yours going? I’m looking at you too, he-friend.

Skin is the reflection of your entire health and wellbeing. If you've quickened the ageing process because you became comfortable with stress, ate acidic foods and beverages, or didn’t exercise regularly, what can you do?! Are you stuck with older-looking skin for the rest of your life?!

“Well yes,” Mr. Plastic Surgeon says, “Unless you choose one of the treatments in my glossy brochure here: facelift, brow lift, botox, skin re-surfacing, acid peels…with even more choices for the ladies.”

 “Oh contraire,”  retorts the wisest of beauty experts, Lady Gaga’s mother. “Plastic surgery doesn’t make you look younger; it just makes you look like you’ve had work done.”

This debate exists only because there is an industry that stands to gain from your confusion. It’s actually very simple.

Want to change how you look and feel? Just stop doing what makes you look (and feel) older, craggy or tired.

 The Real Solution

Having a daily skin care routine is probably the single most powerful change you can make that will immediately affect your appearance. Australian Plastic Surgeon, Ian Carlisle, says that ‘home maintenance does what no amount of surgery or cosmetic procedures can do. It can improve the skin to a point where cosmetic procedures are no longer wanted or needed.”

Terry looks 100 years younger after his facialist removed bloodied feathers and bones that had become as much a part of his identity as his snappy beak. Men, I hope you are still with me; looking how you feel is not an issue limited to one gender. There are amazing organic skin care brands that have a men’s line to die for. They smell divine in a very sandalwood-bergamot-clove-clary sage kind of way.

With this simple addition to your daily routine, already we're shaving a decade from your skin's appearance. Without it, all those dead skin cells just sit on your face like dust in a room that hasn't been vacuumed for ten years.

If you want to see what your skin can really do, experiment with your diet and way of life. Even breathing differently will inject life into your pores.

After the first picture was taken, this woman changed her diet to one that was fruit and vegetable dominant.


See the full article here.

Why age faster than we are supposed to? It’s not about staying forever young; it’s about looking as vibrant and healthy as we feel for as long as we feel it.

 Fantastic Skin Guaranteed

Cleanse and moisturize your skin every day with a quality organic skin care product. Exfoliate deeply once a week. Try a mask (they work!). Consider a serum. These organic skin care lines are pure and effective.  

Drink Water. Dehydrated skin is the quickest way to add a decade to your appearance.

Don’t smoke. Seriously, you can not care about your appearance and smoke. They are on opposite teams. Your skin is governed by your lungs. Healthy lungs will make healthy skin.

Eat small portions. What has this got to do with your appearance?! Because if you over-eat, your entire system has to work way too hard to digest food that you don’t need. In short, you age faster.

Fasting one day a week is an excellent habit to adopt. Your body will use the spare time and energy (normally reserved for digestion) to clean house. Your skin will reflect your nice shiny self.

Eat vegetarian. You won’t notice the difference in young people, but as the decades pass, the difference between the skin quality of a carnivore and a vegetarian is impressive. Vegetarians who eat a mostly raw diet win more youthful-skin-kudos than regular vegetarians. It’s an acid-alkaline thing. Acidity ages us.

Eat pure. All that crap – colours, preservatives, refined foods – has to be expelled by the body. The skin organ (yes it’s an organ!) is the front line of crap expulsion.

Exercise. Practice yoga. Run, play, swim, hike, whatever. Control your breath and breathe deeply. Did you know that while you are reading this, you’re using just one third of your lung capacity? You just took a deep breath, didn’t you?! Your body thanks you.

It’s why breath stinks in the morning; we breathe deeper while we sleep, making our lungs more effective in expelling more crap. Fit people on a clean diet stink less.

Improve your posture. Circulation of oxygen and prana is best done with an open, upright and relaxed frame. Consider also that your body uses vascular and meridian circulation to not only deliver nutrients and energy to your body's systems, but they rely on it to clean house.

Sleep. Go a couple of days on little sleep and you will appreciate what it does for your health and appearence. Supermodel Miranda Kerr says that sleep is the single most critical ingredient to her looking Supermodel ready.

Making positive changes easily all comes down to getting our attitude onside. Resolve to serve our health, not our tongue. Oh, and stop being lazy.

Have you ever heard someone say this:  Ah but you gotta live! You could get hit by a bus tomorrow.

Yawn. Only a million times!

Speaking for myself: Patiently, once again I say, "This is living." When I exercise and eat pure, vibrant foods, I feel simply incredible; alive in every way. There is no wall between me and life force energy that passes easily through every pore and thought. It becomes the bounce in my step.

Your endorphin-fuelled, happy, lightness of being will really bring out the glow in your skin.

Try for yourself!

Article originally appeared on yogaleaks (
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