Change the season with this awesome juice
Sunday, March 23, 2014 at 06:57PM
Yoga Leaks in Food, detox, juice, juicing, smoothies, spirulina, superfood, weightloss

Because if you drink this juice enough, the season will change. It's only a matter of time, and a lot more juice.

Starting the day with a killer vegetable-based juice is not what tickles my fancy. I prefer this one. In fact, it's my favourite. I call it:

The Juice I Prefer To Have In The Mornings Rather Than Vegetable Juice

Rolls right off the tongue.

It's green, it's astringent and sweet. It amps your life force energy into over-drive, so you'll have no choice but to sart the day feeling cool and on fire!

This makes enough for one person. You're going to need: 

4 green apples

2 lemons

1 heaped tablespoon spirulina powder

Handful of ice

What you have to do next is a little tricky, so make sure you do it in order, otherwise you might have to go to jail.

Juice and blend baby!

Article originally appeared on yogaleaks (
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