Yoga: What you can do in 15 minutes
{via}Do you know your yoga? When you feel confident about the principles of asana, it's only natural that you will take some of your practice home. In the last post I wrote that yoga would be a more frequent guest in our lives if we were adaptable <gag>. It's still hard for me to say that word.
A keen eye and helping hand from an experienced teacher is critical in the early years of your practice and will ensure that you stay injury-free and reap what each asana sews. When your physical intelligence feels strong, try your practice at home.
If I've only got 15 minutes to practice, I want to breathe as mindfully as I can, and feel my whole body move fluidly. My focus is on softening as much as it is on tension and direction.
15 minutes. Think Flow, whole-body engagement, and serious Ujjay breath.
Here's what I practiced today.
2 x Surya Namaskar A – Sun Salutation
Surya Namaskar B (the 2nd Sun Salutation)
Parsvakonasana (known to some as the Arugh! pose)
Parsvakonasana B (twisted version of the one before)
Utthita Hasta Padangustasana (hand to big toe) series
Virabhadra (warrior) series
Bakasana (crane pose) or Titibhasana (firefly)
Baddha konasana (butterfly)
Seated Twist
Savasana (Corpse Pose )
I don't stay in each asana as long as I would if I practiced a full series. One final word of advice: don't underestimate the power of drishti.
Do you have 15 minutes to fill your body with life-giving prana energy today?
Yoga Home Practice with the Stars: The Hoff's version {image elephant journal)