Vanquishing life before death
Because, muppet.We fear death so much we’d very much like to not speak about it please. We fear the sickness which leads to death, to the point where at least one person insanely boxed himself inside an oxygen chamber between moonwalks - anything but to die.
Because to die is to fail at life? Hmmm.
Many people’s unquestioned goal in life is to live as long as they can, until they imagine themselves living out those long, endless years incapacitated. The goal is then amended, to include something about quality of life. Adopting health principles suddenly makes sense. Unfortunately, health is still no guarantee that you’ll coast to a century in white tennis shoes.
And if you don’t, it’s not a fail.
A Punk-Ass Example
I am honoured to have this friend who is (funny, caring, intelligent and) healthier than anyone I have ever met. She eats so much chlorophyll, her indoor plants prostrate themselves when she passes by. She’s a walking health encyclopaedia who’s inspired thousands of people with her eating, cooking, yogic and meditative ways. Then she gets cancer, she’s given a handful of days to live.
The first thought that will come into some people’s mind is, why did she fail?
Because we have this idea that it's our human right to live the full 100, as long as our desire for bacon and sloths don't get in the way.
Is that your goal? Personally, I don’t care. Life is way too chaotic to think I’ll live long and peacefully without some weird and unexpected plot twist ending my life abruptly. Longevity is not the reason I'm obsessed with health.
Why I feel so passionate about diet, exercise and the development of my consciousness is because of today. Each of the todays I’m allowed to live, I can sit here and authentically tell you how amazing life feels. It pulses through my body so powerfully, I have to tell yer, I'm walking around a little juiced that the world is as incredible as it is! It's not a cerebral thing; it's a body-and-soul-connected-with-the-million-layers-of-existence thing.
I'm gifted with this amazing feeling because of the way I eat, practice yoga, run, meditate, and love my fellow human beings; if I’m given an insane diagnosis for some strange disease where I have but moments more to live, did I fail?
Closing the Story Triumphant
If we feel an enormous passion for life, for fellow surfers on our favourite celestial point break, did everything we could to raise the ceiling of love and awareness around us, what else are we supposed to achieve?
I embrace my death as I embrace my life. None of it is in my hands, and while I’m here I feel acutely aware and grateful for my amazing beating heart, to breathe sweet breaths (less sweet on Fridays, city traffic being what it is), and to serve my fellow human travellers.
Who knows how long any of us have. Are you on autopilot? There’s no time for that.