Shhh. I am the Presidentess of a secret island nation. My country is so advanced, we have long rid ourselves of health issues, power struggles, arms races ('cause arms don't race that fast), animal abuse, and, of course, bacon. Now is not the time to withhold all that I know, and so I blog.




Entries in Beauty (4)


Meditation Seriously Improves your Beauty and General Awesomeness

I appeal to your vanity. If you are not moved to take up meditation to improve your immune system and cardiovascular health, to reduce stress and realise your purpose in life, then do it for your face.

In 2009 Carol Geider won the Nobel prize in physiology for her research in telomerase, the immortality enzyme that slows cellular ageing.

Telomerase is an enzyme that maintains the DNA at the end of our chromosomes. Without telomerase, every time our cells divide, the ends of our chromosomes get shorter. It’s a part of the natural aging process, since most cells in our body have little active telomerase. Eventually, the ends of our chromosomes become so short, cells die. They die!

Scientists who look at longevity, fixate on the end of our chromosomes. The longer the end of our chromosomes are, the better job they are doing to protect and preserve our DNA.

One study showed that when people meditate for as little as 12 minutes per day, telomerase activity increases by a whopping 43 percent.

The study also showed that meditation improves mental and cognitive function, and lowered the level of depressive symptoms, yada yada yada – but imagine what this could do to your face!




bring the best out of your skin in 5 easy ways

Myth: You need a lot of money and time to get results from your skin.

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skin ageing - look and feel timeless

With this simple addition to your daily routine, already we're shaving a decade from your skin's appearance. Without it, all those dead skin cells just sit on your face like dust in a room that hasn't been vacuumed for ten years.

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Destroying Beauty - one bad decision at a time

Being gorgeous, a powerhouse of light, does not require any extra DNA strands to unlock, though that would make life easier - in the same way that having four arms would . We only need to remember why we are here, as ‘me’, in this era, in this body and character. It’s in everybody’s interest that we play our part with everything we’ve got.

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