State of the Union Address (Part 1)
Today's sunset over my countryWho loves politics? Yeah, me neither, and I am the President. I keep this in mind when I give the obligatory State of the Union Address to the great people of my nation, and make sure that I don’t bore my audience. I know them to be highly intelligent, therefore I need not explain too much.
To those reading this as a leak, the address to the citizens of my country may come across as a little woo woo, but I speak of a paradigm that is familiar to them.
I could not leak this document in its entirety, but I shall send excerpts when I can. Check back every now and again, to see if I have released more!
State of the Union Address
Part 1: The end of the Mayan Calendar
What do most people think of when I say that it’s 2012? Mayans, anyone? There is even a catastrophe genre movie out about it too, right? We are over half way through the year, and so far, most of us seem to be feeling okay. Besides the idea that the world will end on the northern hemisphere’s winter solstice in some spectacular fashion, have you heard anything else?
Mayan Long Form CalenderThis year, the start-and-stop point of the wobble of the Earth's axis aligns through the sun to the centre of the galaxy's equator. It does this once every 26,000 years!
As described by the Mayans, 2012 is actually the middle year of a larger 36 year cycle. How clever were the ancients!
Lee Carol (aka Kryon), a well-informed expert in the field of all things quantum, describes this period of time as a window when there is a profound shift in human consciousness. The three grids that intimately relate to the Earth and our quantum human energy fields will realign in a new way. Not on the solstice, but throughout this 36 year cycle.
Our consciousness affects the Earth, as the Earth and we are both intimately connected. Our planet’s energy is becoming lighter, slowly.
This doesn’t mean that the world’s problems will go away tomorrow, however. Lady Gaga will surely exist after 2012; and there will be dictators, hunger and disease. But one can feel the evolution. The evidence is everywhere – except on the evening news, which follows the axiom “if it bleeds it leads”. Not too much light there!
What we do as a nation and as a global community in the following years to the end of this cycle will become a template for our future.
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