Shhh. I am the Presidentess of a secret island nation. My country is so advanced, we have long rid ourselves of health issues, power struggles, arms races ('cause arms don't race that fast), animal abuse, and, of course, bacon. Now is not the time to withhold all that I know, and so I blog.





Domo wants a home yoga practice 

Making decisions under the jolting flash of fireworks is a forest creature's greatest thrill. They save all their life decisions for this auspicious night.

A year ago, Domo decided he was ready to learn meditation and become a fruitarian. For the new year that is upon us, he says he's probably going to commit to these two resolutions:

  1. Join the Castaway Club, aficionados of the movie Castaway. They build flimsy rafts out of broken portaloos and offer themselves to the whim of the tides like a small, fury sacrifice. It's not untypical for them to spend many months at sea or on an uncharted tropical island.
  2. Learn to practice yoga independently, in case he never returns.

The first resolution, though strange, suits Domo. The second one is big, a defining moment in one’s yogic life.

As with many defining moments, they can be daunting. If you have considered the same resolution, read this brief memo I sent to Domo on the subject.                  

 Home Yoga Practice


  1. A yoga mat
  2. Space for a yoga mat.


1. Know your yoga asanas. Not all of them, of course. For a basic, fantastic yoga practice, know this:

  • Any version of Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutations.
  • 3 standing asana
  • 3 seated asana
  • 2 back bending, or chest-opening asana
  • 2 forward folding asana
  • 1 inversion asana

2. Did you know that the principles of each asana are the same? See here to learn what they are.


The stifling fantasy of a home practice spaceMat direction. East-west. The front of your mat is east. Prana energy emerges from there with the rising sun.

Music. Forget about it (at first). I never practice with music. It draws me out of my practice, but that's just me. Concentrate on the details of the posture and your breath. Injury happens when you don't pay attention. It might be the thousandth Surya Namaska A, you can still wind up injured if you are not wholly within the practice.

Breath. Ujjay is the style of breathing we do in Yoga. It enhances the prana uptake within the body. Breathe slowly and deeply. Listen to the sound of your breath. Balance the in-breath with the out-breath.

It's more often like this. For the dog prop, you should ask nicely.Time.  Practice when the house – or deserted island – is quietest. If you have a morning practice, your body will feel it's most rigid. Warm-up longer with Salutations. During winter, sprinkle salutations throughout your practice to stay hot. If your practice is in the evening, keep it soft. Less Surya Namaskar, more seated asanas, especially of the forward-folding kind. Consider omitting the headstand in favour of shoulder stand.

Practice what. Postures you know well. There is wisdom in the order in which you place your postures. Plan your yoga session ahead of time. Draw a cheat-sheet of stickmen to jog your memory. Follow this order of asanas:

Surya Namaskar


Sitting, folding-forward

Backbend or chest-openers


Laying (don’t skip savasana - corpse pose, It's probably the most important asana)


Tired? Shorten your practice, don’t skip it.

Domo had just begun his seated asanas when the doorbell rang.The biggest challenge to a home practice is distraction. Sometimes it would be more yogic to not lose-your-lid (technical term) because your forest friends interrupt you, or the dog barks and claims your mat. Make another time.

Return to your yoga teacher when you can. Beards are in, so you wont even need to stop at home once your raft blows ashore. Study yoga with an instructor a handful of times a year. Your improved technique and motivation will ensure that your home practice stays evergreen.

Taking yoga home is an opportunity to dress yoga down to it's original character, before it became industrialised. Buddha statues, singing bowls, fancy clothes not required.

Final note: Seek yoga in the space you create, in your body, breath and concentration.

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Reader Comments (4)

Maybe Domo can practice on his portaloo.

December 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRobbie

I would love to practice at home. No mirrors, rushing to make it on time, cost ... I guess all that keeps me from doing it is the committment. It's easier to treat going to a class like trying to make it to a doctors appointment on time. But all that stress, and fashion, and and and.. One can loose the point to yoga easily these days. At home it could be simple, and easier to find that space you mentioned at the end. Thank you for this post.

December 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJudith Errant

I have wanted to take my yoga home for years but I never knew how or what to do. Your guide is great. Simple is awesome. I would never start unless you made it simple. Thank you. Happy New Year!

December 30, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLars Andersson

This was very useful and inspiring guide for me
Indeed, I find that the biggest challenge to a home practice is distraction and being able to commit every single day.
I guess that if you set a fixed daily time for practice it becomes a daily routine, but I actually find this very difficult to implement (As my schedule changes daily… )
I will try my best
(I have to – in case I never return...)

January 5, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDomo

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