Domo Prequel Part 1 – Surviving genocide
There’s only one Domo. But it wasn’t always that way. His species died in horrible mutative circumstances; it's what the World Vaccination Authority (WVA) henchmen wanted. Their torture methods were unparalleled – force feeding hotdogs, Twinkies, and food that seem to hail from Scotland. There were other methods too. I can't think about them without retching and crying uncontrollably.
This grusome torture scene was captured on CCTV. His torturer is still at large.It seemed like an ordinary moment, after Domo’s family had passed out from chemical sweetener exposure and a flu shot. His mother, however, only pretended to drink the diet soda and was conscious enough to spy an opportunity. The guards had become lazy, with the group’s life force as low as it was. They forgot to lock the cage. Domo’s mother crawled out and climbed to the cage’s roof. She stood on her toes and lifted Domo as high as she could. There was only one chance. Throwing Domo through the vent that led up to street level would alarm the guards, and initial her demise.
Domo careened into a street under siege by torrential rain. He was going to survive the flood, as well as the fast cars that drove blindly through the midnight storm. But the chances of surviving his genetic mutation was zero - without a miracle.
Domo felt the first mutative cells divide in his cheek earlier, when he had that DTaP vaccination. By evening, drenched and cold but free, his poor mouth had become fixed into a scary, wide smile.
Professor Pintim traversed the maze of homogenous Tokyo streets without loosing her way for the first time since she began her secret assignment. I can not tell you why I ordered her to Japan in this story. It was late and monsoonal flooding caused chaos in the city. Between zooming cars, Pintim spotted a fury brown animal skim across the flash-mob-style rain that queued for passage to the underworld. She didn’t know what it was or if it was dead, but she scooped Domo up and hid him in her coat before thousands of digital eyes spotted her unpredicted move. Pintim headed back to the lab.
Professor Pintim. Domo lives in the animae dimension. Rules dictate that all professors must look like this.Casually, she moved the foyer statue one centimeter to the left, aligned her thumb over the scanner built into the door handle, and wiped Morse code into the doormat. If completed in under seven seconds a concealed door would appear. Pintim had managed less than six invisibly. The professor's lab; warm and dry, it made Domo feel safe. She thought she knew every species of mammal and marsupial on the planet, but she never saw this, um, 'Domo' she would call him. A polite Japanese name, because he looked ‘respecting’. Slowly, with pats and purrs, she began her analysis. Blood work, genetics, histology. By sunrise Pintim had started Bodytalk, to get that broad perspective which only Bodytalk can give.
The sun rose timidly under the distant thunderclouds above the horizon. Pintim felt exhausted while Domo continued his concealed fight to the death. The BRCA 1 mutation raged. New cancer cells consumed his body with every shallow breath. Domo’s digestive system still looked like a torture convention: a rainbow of artificial colours, alphabet of preservatives, a mine of heavy metals, strung together and coated in chocolate or white bread rolls.
Pintim's personal addiction: Instagram. File# 679F: Essene bread and humous. Results showed that Domo’s vitamin D levels were zero, and his flaccid heart had never known the challenge of exercise. Pintim, in a moment of uncouth weakness, vented her rage at those henchmen, the same outlaws that killed off dozens of rare, cute species of woodland creatures. Still wheezing, and rather surprised at her catalogue of filthy words, Pintim dipped Essene bread into hummus and chewed, and breathed absently.
- Will Domo win the battle against his BRCA 1 genetic mutation that ravages his body?
- Will he have to cut his breasts off; you know, pre-emptively, just in case?
Reader Comments (12)
OMG I love Domo. Your prequel makes so much sense. I really hope he doesn't cut his breasts off. Can't wait for part 2!
Fanatastic Post Pres. I love your CCTV footage, though I understand it shakes you to your core. Great spot about food from Scotland. I hope the great folk over there understand that it doesn't reflect badly on them that a global behemoth is profiting on a name that identifies it to their country.
Wow I love it. Pintim really knows how to make Essene bread look sexy! It used to be for the hairiest of hippies, but that sandwich has a serious case of cool!
What a fantastic spice you added to your story: Pintim as an animae elfin sexy character. A undercover scientist in Tokyo. I wish you could write a longer story about this; I sense much ingrigue that could come out it.
I love your characters. Can you believe that I didn't know who Domo was until ten minutes ago when I read this article and then googled him. Wow, where have I been?! Not to Japan, that's for sure. Great story Presidentess. Can't wait for next Monday.
Great connection with junk food and genetic mutation. If only everybody knew what happened to all those woodland creatures under a regime of vaccines and junk foods. Great job Pres!
OMG Dommo! Don't cut your breasts off! You don't have to do that! I hope Pintim knows what she's doing because we all know that even if BRCA 1 is switched on, you can switch it off again. No cutting! Now I have to bite my nails until Monday. Sheesh!
Finally, someone talks about BRCA 1 mutation sensibly! It just needed a little Domo cushion and a dose of fantasy, and now we can talk truthfully.
And I thought that I was the last survivor of my species...
By the way, in ancient past our species had a tradition in which all of our elected politicians used to cut their brains off; you know, pre emptively, just in case..(Actually it improved their functioning and prevented so many troubles and wars). You people should try it with some of your leaders (at least those which do not practice yoga daily)
I hope you practice yoga every day Domo. In case you do end up being the only one left and you have to save the human race, who, far into the future, were born brainless from the seeds of politicians. Now that's depressing.
OH NO DOMO DON'T do anything so dramatic! You can't be making rash decisions with torturous digestive issues- they cloud the rational mind. Your full spectrum prism of neurotoxic food dyes, tongue-twisting catalogue of chemical food enhancers, plethora of poisonous metals in a configuration of GMO glutinous baked goods enhanced with theobromine of cacao have made you temporarily insane. Though just a tiny woodland creature, you have all it takes to save us from the zombie apocalypse!! Heal thyself and be free!!!
Superfood Chef Michelle if you keep talking like that I may have to grant you a visa! Good stuff.