How to make friends and influence people - use scientology tech.
It’s cultish and crazy. They also have valuable information that we could seriously use. The stuff Scientology teaches is called Tech. Fortunately, there are plenty of non-Scientologists around who teach it, minus lunatic mind-control methods that keep the (for tax purposes) 'religion' humming in the news.
I’ve dabbled. Once, a friend of a friend told me about a friend of a friend of his, called The Bridge. He was a crazy, kamikaze, neo-con, anti-everything man who was well into constructing an Armageddon-proof fortress. All Scientologists being the same, he's not the crazy one.
The day I met him, he wore army-issue combat boots, and camouflage pants. They suited his melon-sized biceps well. A man standing nearby told me that he never saw The Bridge dressed otherwise. Understandable if one thinks that tha suppressars of tha nashun R rapressin infarmashun.
The Bridge financed his shopping list of weapons - and rope I assume, by offering courses in Scientology Tech. Despite the many, many red lights that my tired higher-self flashed, I signed up.
I paid The Bridge in gold (currency is for the enslaved) and negotiated my children out of his manditory child labour program (if they need to eat, they have to work for it). Then, the doors of Tech knowledge opened before me.
The Bridge leading us on our graduation picnicSadly, he didn't talk about aliens or intergalactic slave traders, though the word Thetan was peppered over every serve - Scientology's preferred term for our spirit or soul.
To my surprise I actually learned some amazing tools. The first great tool was The Tone Scale. It classifies emotions according to how spiritually alive or dead they are. You use it to influence another person's emotions, to move them higher or lower on the scale. Is that creepy? Scientologists sure know how to manipulate people - and you can too!
Here is the scale.
Serenity of Beingness |
40.0 |
Postulates |
30.0 |
Games |
22.0 |
Action |
20.0 |
Exhilaration |
8.0 |
Plus Emotion 8.0 - 2.01 |
Aesthetic |
6.0 |
The Thetan can experience tones |
Enthusiasm |
4.0 |
Thetan+Body: range 4.0-0.0 |
Cheerfulness |
3.5 |
Strong Interest |
3.3 |
Conservatism |
3.0 |
Mild Interest |
2.9 |
Contented |
2.8 |
Disinterested |
2.6 |
Boredom |
2.5 |
Monotony |
2.4 |
Antagonism |
2.0 |
Minus Emotion 2.0 - 0.0 |
Hostility |
1.9 |
Pain |
1.8 |
Anger |
1.5 |
Hate |
1.4 |
Resentment |
1.3 |
No Sympathy |
1.2 |
Unexpressed Resentment |
1.15 |
Covert Hostility |
1.1 |
Anxiety |
1.02 |
Fear |
1.0 |
Despair |
.98 |
Terror |
.96 |
Numb |
.94 |
Sympathy |
.9 |
Propitiation, |
.8 |
Grief |
.5 |
Making Amends |
.375 |
Undeserving |
.3 |
Self-abasement |
.2 |
Victim |
.1 |
Hopeless |
.07 |
Apathy |
.05 |
Useless |
.03 |
Dying |
.01 |
Body Death |
0.0 |
Failure |
0.0 |
Thetan+Body: range 4.0-0.0 |
Pity |
-0.1 |
The thetan can experience tones |
Shame |
-0.2 |
Accountable |
-0.7 |
Blame |
-1.0 |
Regret |
-1.3 |
Controlling Bodies |
-1.5 |
Effort |
Protecting Bodies |
-2.2 |
Owning Bodies |
-3.0 |
Think |
Approval from Bodies |
-3.5 |
Needing Bodies |
-4.0 |
Symbols |
Worshipping Bodies |
-5.0 |
Eat |
Sacrifice |
-6.0 |
Sex |
Hiding |
-8.0 |
Mystery |
Being Objects |
-10.0 |
Wait |
Being Nothing |
-20.0 |
Unconscious |
Can't Hide |
-30.0 |
Total Failure |
-40.0 |
Unknowable |
The scale goes from 40 to -40, with body death coming in at 0.0. The body, in this sense, is a tone, rather than a physical thing. Below 0.0 (death) we have no emotion and feel numb, unable to respond effectively to a situation. These dark depths are reached when we feel that we have no control.
There’s a war happening way on the other side of the planet?
Millions of people are dying in Darfur?
I feel nothing because I am powerless to stop it.
When we start to feel control in a situation, we might feel hopeless or angry. On the Tone Scale, this is an improvement; It's a more powerful position to be in.
Situations might look like they slide into a big mess, when actually, the people involved could be feeling brighter. Here’s an example:
Missy’s dog Schmoopy has run away. Missy feels terrible grief, which is 0.5 on the Tone Scale.
Schmoopy prefers humans with a low, gravelly voice.To help Missy move towards a positive and stronger position, I might express sympathy (0.8) or fear (1.0).
Oh you poor button. Schmoopy was your greatest fluffy friend (sympathy). I hate to think of her running alone through the streets (fear).
This should take Missy up the scale where she might begin to feel anxious (1.02). Missy is making progress! I'll then move myself up the Tone Scale ahead of her. Eventually we could take action (3.3) and look for Schmoopy. If I offered to take action in the beginning, it would have been a tone too distant for her to relate to, and she would have probably declined.
When you try to help other people using the Tone Scale, the golden rule is to be within 0.5 – 1.0 of their Tone, otherwise they can't relate to you.
Using the Tone Scale to influence others is powerful. It goes to show how easily people can bring us down (be one step below us) or cheer us up.
An extra tip
If you ask someone a question, the person who asked holds the power. Questions put people into the mystery tone which is way below 0, and weaks their position on the scale. There's also the regular kind of mystery:
Kid 1: I've got something in my bag that will totally get you in trouble!
Kid 2: Whaaaat? Teeeeell Meeeeee!
Kid 1: No!
(aaaand repeat)
Kid 1 will feel great and kid 2 will slide down scale so fast he'll be wallowing in all those below-zero tones (blame, shame, regret and hiding) before recess.
Missy: (Howling) I found Schmoopy! Flattened like a pancake (0.5 Grief). You made me go to look for her! (0.1 Victim)
Me: Just think Missy, it will be more economical now with one less mouth to feed. No more dog hair around the house (3.5 Cheerfulness). Lets go and clean your house together, start fresh! (4.0 Enthusiasm)
My tone is too high for her to relate to. She will stare at me, and feel unchanged. I'm being an ineffective friend.
The Tone Scale makes our communication efficient. Most importantly, it helps us understand where Tom Cruise is coming from when he's on a couch and acting more enthusiastic (4.0) then he should be. He is, infact, exhilerated (8.0).
We feel annoyed because .... we're not close enough to him on the scale. Can you imagine what a conversation would be like between a group of 8.0 Tom Cruisers? So annoying, right?
Reader Comments (4)
I never knew. This is great stuff! I'm going to try it out, but maybe I'll have to carry a copy of the list with me for a while. That wont look too convincing when I comort a friend, will it?!
Poor Schmoopy. Poor Tom. Great scale! Why would Tom be at the top of the scale? What does Scientology do that assumes you will arrive at the top?
No, you're Schmoopy ..(Loved it) :-)
Hi Gloria. Tom is at the "top" because of another training that Scientologists do called Clearing. Unresolved traumas and memories can hold our tone down like anchors. Using Clearing they can neutralise these anchors and rise like champaigne bubbles until they are as perpetually exhilarated as Mr. Cruise. That's roughly the idea.