Shhh. I am the Presidentess of a secret island nation. My country is so advanced, we have long rid ourselves of health issues, power struggles, arms races ('cause arms don't race that fast), animal abuse, and, of course, bacon. Now is not the time to withhold all that I know, and so I blog.




Entries by Yoga Leaks (88)


What’s Yoga Got To Do With It?

Patanjali, a yogic philosopher who lived before Tina Turner, said that yoga is practiced to make stillness of mind and freedom from oscillations and various mental processes more possible.

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Change of Seasons: Avoid getting sick

It's the tail end of two very intense seasons: stupidly long winter and one freaking hot and endless summer. More people get sick in March than any time of year, mostly because we don’t transition well out of the season we are leaving behind.

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Yogaleaks – The Evolution

Since Yogaleaks’ inception, I have learned much about blogging and writing, all far more inspiring than I could have imagined.

Now I'm going to take what I have learned, along with my bettered writing skills, and transform this site into something more suited to its nature – a blog, as opposed to an article depository.

I still absolutely love writing articles and they will continue to be published here, but I will also be making regular short and medium-sized posts about all things health and inspirational, sometimes personal, which supports my understanding that we are powerful spiritual beings, capable of far more than what we are aware.

So without further adieu, I give you Yogaleaks 2.0.

Please tell your friends, and check back regularly.




How to make friends and influence people - use scientology tech.

The first great tool was The Tone Scale. It classifies emotions according to how spiritually alive or dead they are. You use it to influence another person's emotions, to move them higher or lower on the scale. Is that creepy? Scientologists sure know how to manipulate people - and you can too!

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Secrets of Change

You can be making the biggest change in the world. But really all you are doing is breathing, one breath at a time. You can quit smoking, go to rehab, change genders, stop beating people up, stop beating yourself up. Once you commit to the change, your story still comes down to breathing through the hours and days.

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