Greed and power is getting old, or is it just me?
My regular running routeWorld leaders often express irritation over protesters who insist that their Government covers up the truth. They also admit that these same thorns in their political sides are often quite astute.
Everywhere in this world – with the exception of my country - information is still currency. It’s power. And from the high peaks, where I have the privelege to stand, one has a great view over the shady corners of government and business, where deals are made, secrets covered, and paper trails burned.
It hurts me to even write about this sinister, greedy side of human nature, but I begin my story here because of a question that came to me on my daily run:
What if everybody exposed all of their secrets to the world at once?
In the event that I get honey trapped, I should need ... rich friends and ... a knowlege of ... foreign policy for Latin American countries.Julian Assange probably shared this very same thought, like, when he was three.
And what if information became free? Isn’t the larger goal in life to make humanity smarter, more peaceful, and more advanced as a race? Even in the most religion-riddled countries, people must desire larger humanitarian goals. OK, even I know when I am pushing the limits of naivety and idealism. I retract my last suggestion.
What chain of events would come from revealing to the world all that we knew?
Religion itself will definitely evolve at lightening speed if we removed secrecy.
Cloaking device? I know nothing. Unless you want world peace. Then maybe.Militaries will expose what they know and we’ll finally get the cloaking device that the Klingon’s and the Romulan’s kept from us. It would bring everyone to the same level playing field, and Galactic Quadrants will not require a neutral zone.
Many industries will cease to exist, such as the pharmaceutical, nuclear power, gas and oil, processed foods, and some chemical industries - simply because their existence is based on secret, partial and flawed information.
The price of diamonds will fracture like a gem cutter slicing away impurities of a precious stone. There will be no more blood diamonds.
We’ll learn why Pluto really got dropped from the team.
Japanese scientific whaling? That facade will drop like day-old sashimi.
We’ll all get to read L.Ron Hubbard’s secret writings, normally reserved for the “clearest” OC III. Did Xenu really send millions of frozen souls onto spaceships and dump them into the bases of our volcanoes and hydrogen-bomb them?
Go on this small tangent with me – you know, just for fun: I could never understand this story – the worst kept secret of Scientology: If Xenu was from such an advanced planet that he could transport frozen souls from millions of light years away, why did he choose to bomb them with such a primitive bomb? The hydrogen bomb was the military prize of the 1940’s – coincidentally the same era as when L.Ron Hubbard’s wrote his science fiction novels. That would be Xenu's last weapon of choice! Or am I over-thinking this?
But I digress.
Governments will have to govern in a completely new way: with honesty as their pillar of virtue, rather than greed.
It's not only nasty governments, militaries and religions who hold secrets and keep us down-trodden. Some seemingly we-for-the-people leaders of alternative health, energy, scientists and anthropologists withhold information for profit.
Pulse, as one example, is a food preparation from antiquity that combines sacred geometry with organic fruits and grains. The combination enhances the food’s nutritional value, heals and improves the condition of our body and mind. One man knows how to make this after he came upon a translation of an ancient text which was owned by a private collector. He profits from this information when he sells Pulse to the wealthier people of the wealthiest nations who can afford to eat it. This behaviour is from someone who cheers people on and take their health into our own hands. He wants humanity to rise in consciousness, without a doubt. But he’s not going to tell you how you can make your own Pulse.
I don’t accept the argument that people need to hold on to information in order to make a living. Pulse will still be sold if we all knew how to make it, because many people are lazy, busy or don't have the resources. We shouldn’t be afraid to share knowledge. The only enterprise that will crash and burn are institutions that are not built on the foundation of honesty and integrity.
Oh my.
Shhhh. He's feeling out new business models of the future.Are you enjoying this ride on my naïve, daisy chain Kombi powered by idealism? Me too!
Concluding my run today, the ultimate question arrived, so naïve that I’m surprised there is not a law against such ideas ( - and you thought we were at the end of this fantasy of transparency). Here it is:
Doesn’t greed and power get old?
It’s just so last millennium (and the one before that and the few before that). When does our passion for seeing what we can do as a human race become more interesting than harbouring secrets in order to own stuff and stay ahead of our neighbour?
Surely I am not alone on this one. Am I? Anybody?..... Hello?
I must be. Echo … Echo … Echo …
Reader Comments (3)
No you are not the only one out there! A lot of people are talking about this at the moment, have you noticed? Its a wave of consciousness that takes legs - one hopes. Good on ya for raising the subject, and being brave about the hypocricy of those we-for-the-people people. Wold in sheeps clothing indeed.
Ahhh. A truely innocent person left on this world. I wish more people were as optimistic as you.
It's really great, a mindbender. I like the style of pursuing a sustained inquiry from A to Z, but on the way,
making these wild detours. It's masterful.