Padmé Amidala and friends road test L'uvalla
Padmé Amidala gets the big chair at Saber CafeSoon, we will live far beyond the default 100 years, as the relevent energies of our human race evolve. Our DNA will unlock their secrets and enable us to perform unimaginable feats within the quantum reality. Totally trippy? Yuh! Absolutely!
Why can’t we do these things now, you ask? In a word: cheese burgers. A Ferrari won’t perform very well if you put in low grade fuel and oil and ignore it. With quality ingredients and regular maintenance, it’s going to be the Ferrari that you dream of. The same goes with our bodies. Pollute our engine with deodorant, air fresheners, processed food and drink, and the thousands of household and personal hygiene products that are made on the cheap with 100% non-natural ingredients, and our Ferrari-that-could-have-been becomes a Lada. Simple cause and consequence.
Why am I going on about Ladas and Ferraris? Because I met someone. It is indeed a rare event, when I travel abroad and meet a person who lives a philosophy of purity and integrity to her core. Talking to her for the first time, I just wanted to write AWESOME in permanent marker accross her forehead.
And she is? Alla Korot. Like me, she loves to spoil her skin with organic ingredients so that it can perform its very best. The skin, after all, is the body’s largest organ and works in partnership with the lungs. And like any organ, it strains under constant exposure to foreign chemicals. A few years ago Alla encountered a problem that, sadly, is not very original: Almost all of the skin care companies that she wanted to try, used chemical preservatives or ingredients. And the handful that were all-natural didn’t perform. So of course, like any Alla would do, she decided to create her own skin care line that is 100% organic and performs like the metaphorical Ferrari. The rest is history, but we know it better as L'uvalla.
Alla sent a few product samples my way. After a week of cleansing and moisturising, my response was of shock and awe. I don’t think I have ever followed my husband around this often, demanding, “Smell my face! Look at my skin!” I made the samples last disturbingly long. You know I’m still using the singular satchel of eye cream, which I began a month ago?
Chewbacca tries his hand at a salt exfoliation before using L'uvallaWhich leads me to my own problem. 100% positive reviews are not good for writers – or readers. They are, well, Boring! And my readers may believe that, with all these words or praise flying about, Alla is probably slipping little red envelopes into my back pocket. So, for the sake of authenticity and in the search for critique, I rode my bike down to the neighbourhood plaza and found some friends of mine. I asked them to try L’uvalla for themselves.
Chewbacca sat at a table with Yoda and Padmé Amidala at The Saber Café:
Chewbacca said this of the eye cream: “Uuuuuuuur Ahhhhurrrrrr Uhrrrrr Aaaarrgggghhrr.”
He says next time he will try to put it around his eyes.
Yoda in the bathrooms at Saber Cafe reflecting on his L'uvalla experience.Yoda remarked, “1000 years younger, I look. Men’s line it does not have.” Fair point. I’m glad I asked him.
Padmé Amidala projected loudly with her trademark two-tone voice, “This is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause. Bring me to the L'uvalla spa!”
I spotted Domo not far from the cafe. He was waiting for his friends and had plenty of time to sample the whole range. Domo said this of L’uvalla, “------------------." For a little forest friend, his comments were surprisingly discerning.
Neo: I have to think my whole life over now. Thanks a lot!Neo leaned against the wall of the Mend and Send Clothes Repair shop. While he waited for his knitted jumpers to be repaired, he sampled the anti-ageing range. “It’s fantastic," he delighted, "but I understand it's not sold everywhere in the Matrix.” Neo saddened and his voice slowed. After a long, reflective silence he quietly admitted, “Sometimes this simulated world is better than my reality." He broke down into soft effeminite sobs and worked hard to hold back his choking wall of emotion, “I should have (cough) chosen (dribble) the blue (cough) pill!” Wailing with grief, Neo ran down the street, rubbing his hands against his newly moistened face. I’m glad I asked, though I think I may have set off a critical chain of events.
Thank you to all of my friends who helped me to see things in L’uvalla that I was blinded to by its sheer purity and effectiveness. Now I can present you with a more impartial review:
Skin Care Product
Company Ethos
Domo tries to find words to describe his experience of L'uvallaL'uvalla is the luxury skincare experience that goes beyond beauty-it's a way of life that respects your health - mind, body, spirit - and the well-being of the world around you.
L'uvalla is organic, fair trade, helps women in Morocco, vegan and cruelty-free. The organic oils are even cold pressed.
Product Range
They have eight products. In a way, its kind of the opposite of Eminence who seem to have hundreds of products. L'uvalla started with the most important ones: two cleansers, two toners, moisturizer for balancing the skin; and another for anti-ageing. There is a eye cream, and the all important serum made from 100% organic cold pressed Argan oil.
A moisturizer costs under US$50. They sell only in US dollars. You can buy products in groups, like the entire anti-ageing system, and it will cost less than the sum of the products bought individually.
What I used
Alla sent the whole range, though the serum got a little seasick along the way. The empty container smelled divine.
What’s great
Two pilots of the presidential plane test L'uvalla anti-ageing productsForemost I loved the eye cream. I admit that I am a snob when it comes to eye cream, and expect a lot from them. This eye cream impresses me. The whole anti-ageing system was a match made in heaven for my skin. I found the balancing cream too light for me to use every day, though my daughter loved it. I use it on rainy days when the humidity compensates for the lightness of the cream.
What’s lacking
Padmé Amidala is going to find out what’s lacking. It’s a spa range. As far as skin care companies are concerned L’uvalla is the new kid on the block. It will expand as the brand becomes widely known. There is also no men’s range, however the scent will appeal to both women and men.
My skin tone appeared refined and even, starting from the very first day. The moisturized feeling stayed for a long time without becoming oily. The eye cream made the area around my eyes light and removed any puffiness. Lines next to my eyes? What lines?!
Would I use this product again?
I have a shipment coming of the entire anti-aging range. I will supplement the few products that it doesn’t have, such as face masques and exfoliating masques, but for the first time in some years I truly feel excited about a new range.
Purchasing tip
If you are buying from a country other than The United States, the following website sells L’uvalla and ships internationally FREE of CHARGE!
This is the girl that I wanted to scribble on!
Reader Comments (4)
You are a total crack up!! What a soon as I woke up I checked out your sunday offering. Loved everything about this...Saber Cafe!! ha ha laughed my head off at the Kooky cations and craziness. Awesomeness :D and am completely sold on the 'LUV!' thanks for being the highlight of my day xo
What a great article! I totally want to try this. Never heard of it. Some of the greatest things in the world can only be stumbled on, like I have with L'uvalla.
I love that you are doing these reviews. I find it overwhelming to try and choose a skin care line, and when I do sift through all the ingredient lists, to find something all natural, it just sits on my face like olive oil or coconut cream would. I can't wait to try this one. Natural AND great performance?! A match made in heaven indeed.
I love the image of you following your husband around, tugging at his arm and the picture of Chewbacca with his salt exfoliation. I was inspired to check out the products on the website, so job well done.