Shhh. I am the Presidentess of a secret island nation. My country is so advanced, we have long rid ourselves of health issues, power struggles, arms races ('cause arms don't race that fast), animal abuse, and, of course, bacon. Now is not the time to withhold all that I know, and so I blog.




Entries by Yoga Leaks (88)


The first rule of perfection - there is no perfection

The pursuit of perfection has killed thousands every year since the first Who Can Swim Farthest in a Toga competition on the shores of the Aegean. Always interesting deaths I have to say, though the ol’ heart attack has become a little passé. Death by energy drinks, cell phone brain tumors or dehydration from the Mozambique desert ultra marathon is the newest must-have instant knock-out.

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Dune - The Best Cult in the Universe

David Beckham just needs to walk up a hill and watch the sunset. Then, come down with eyes like dinner plates; produce a neat scratch on his forehead. He will tell the story that was ‘downloaded’ to him by an interstellar being who also happened to be on the hill watching the sunset.

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the key that unlocks yoga

Do you remember Gorbachev? Russian President from the ‘80’s? He brought down the wall between East and West Germany. Ended the cold war. Why? Because he practiced yoga every day.

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Finger on the pulse of the world: 6 hot entrepreneur ideas

Want to create a business in sync with the evolving demands of community and country? Here’s where the pulse of new enterprises are headed.

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Dear Presidentess: Do I choose the red pill or the blue pill. Help me! 

How can I make the right decisions in life? Do I take the job? Or move to that town? Should I be a doctor, an artist or Magic Mike? Should I marry or be modern and fancy-free? Do I buy into the material dream and strive for the large house, boat, holidays abroad, and so on? People seem to make critical decisions easily, but I’m beginning to suspect that they are all faking.

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