Shhh. I am the Presidentess of a secret island nation. My country is so advanced, we have long rid ourselves of health issues, power struggles, arms races ('cause arms don't race that fast), animal abuse, and, of course, bacon. Now is not the time to withhold all that I know, and so I blog.




Entries by Yoga Leaks (88)


Now the whole world's doing it caveman-style.

Since everybody knows that vegetables, fruits and whole grains are the foundation of a vibrant and healthy diet, we would do the opposite and advocate a meat-based diet. A lot of meat. Organs and raw meat especially. We needed a logical argument for the diet, and supportive science, so we invented the premise that because our Palaeolithic ancestors ate mostly meat, we should too.

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Zoolander reveals the secret to Enlightenment

“I share the same heartbeat with all of humanity. Not all of them actually; just the ones with really chiseled abs and stunning features like my own. I have been on a long journey, a long, long journey. Do I have to qualify how long my journey was? OK".

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Paradise found! And it's not 5 star service or a spa.

The people will make you never want to leave. The outside world fast became a distant memory when I tuned in to the harmony in which the people of Superagui exist. The whole community weaves passion and effort into each other's lives, whether it’s launching a boat, helping a busy pousada, or towing a capsized vessel from the sandbar.

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He Who Shall Not Be Named Adapts to New Spiritual Paradigm

For decades this iconic leader harboured spiritual secrets so powerful, they were nothing less than a burden. In all his years of living as an enlightened master, he searched in vain to find a compeer bright enough to impart the full extent of his wisdom. Ultimately, he who shall not be named concluded that it was not easy being green.

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Yoga The Musical - The Future Blockbuster of Broadway 

Actors perform complicated yoga postures, because they’re hot. Students and teachers alike are groomed, athletic, tanned and perfect. Their musical number ends with (exhale) letting it all go and a Namaste – which means Tchau!

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