Shhh. I am the Presidentess of a secret island nation. My country is so advanced, we have long rid ourselves of health issues, power struggles, arms races ('cause arms don't race that fast), animal abuse, and, of course, bacon. Now is not the time to withhold all that I know, and so I blog.




Entries in Health (25)


Mastering the cleanse - 5 greatest mistakes

Don’t let enthusiasm block your body’s conversation it wants to have with you. Respect where your body is coming from, and guide it towards health, not drag it screaming. If you go gentle, your body will trust you, and release the toxic sludge that's clogged it for years, and even created, to help you survive.

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The greatest cinematic Sensation this summer - Benighted

The doctor is paralyzed by what he sees. To him it looks like a scene straight out of a medical text book of horror. The cancer try to hide behind Sacha, who stares uneasily at Vargas. Their stress, however, makes them rapidly swell, and in no time, they surpass Sacha’s width.

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Domo Prequel Part 2 – Battle of the BRCA 1 gene mutation.

The story continues... Pintim and Domo arrived at their local Colon' clinic undetected, thanks to Pintim's other-worldly stealth mechanisms. Domo's stomach pump and colonic went textbook perfect.

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Domo Prequel Part 1 – Surviving genocide

There’s only one Domo. But it wasn’t always that way. His species died in horrible mutative circumstances; it's what the World Vaccination Authority (WVA) henchmen wanted. Their torture methods were unparalleled –

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tachyons in my teepee: How to rule the world!

First question: What is the name of the world’s most bad-ass free energy? Answer: What is Tachyon. And how bad-ass is it? you shrewdly ask. Totally bad and very ass-ey. The ordinary vacuum inside a light bulb contains enough tachyon energy to boil all the oceans of the world. Need I say more?

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