Shhh. I am the Presidentess of a secret island nation. My country is so advanced, we have long rid ourselves of health issues, power struggles, arms races ('cause arms don't race that fast), animal abuse, and, of course, bacon. Now is not the time to withhold all that I know, and so I blog.




Entries in Health (25)


Now the whole world's doing it caveman-style.

Since everybody knows that vegetables, fruits and whole grains are the foundation of a vibrant and healthy diet, we would do the opposite and advocate a meat-based diet. A lot of meat. Organs and raw meat especially. We needed a logical argument for the diet, and supportive science, so we invented the premise that because our Palaeolithic ancestors ate mostly meat, we should too.

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10…9…8…yada yada yada... Lets Party!

Or not... you know, what ever tickles your fancy. For a portion of the world, the year is at an end. People of my island nation are practicing what they have done annum terminus since the dawn of our civilization: ritualistic killing of brain cells by the stuff of micro breweries and organic, single source, fair trade, low carbon footprint wineries; followed by naked agar agar wrestling.

When the midnight bell chimes and silence falls upon my great nation, it will finally be time to write down the haiku poem that we have quietly cultivated all year.

I'm kidding, of course. I just copied the hipster New Years Eve Party invitation that is pinned under my glass of carrot, beet, celery and ginger juice next to me. I received it earlier today by pigeon mail.

My people observe this momentous occasion in the ambiance of simplicity. Our focus is to harmonise the body and mind with the subtle rhythms of nature, and do what we can to ensure that our neighbours are well prepared for the coming year.

The annual cleanse is soon to reach its climax. Many of us will experience the dizzying heights of bliss that accompanies superior health. Meditation sessions tend to be longer this time of year, because the ability to exponentially enhance the experience of wellness using meditaion is known to us all. Here's a leak of one of our national cleansing promotions.

With this ahead of me, please excuse me for two weeks while I recharge and loose myself into the higher realms of existence. I shall return and continue leaking knowledge and wisdom from my island nation on the weekend of January 12.

2013 is a number 6 universal year, the energy of which opens a portal to the laws of abundance. With the passing of the shift, as indicated by the Mayan Calender, we can achieve higher potentials faster, with more support from the earth’s energy. What a great year to put yourself out there and manifest those dream projects and creative ideas.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you, my 1000 + regulars. Without you, this site would not exist. Your audience motivates me to offer even better leaks in 2013.

If you like what you see here please introduce yogaleaks to a friend. If you want to know more about a particular subject, write to me. I love the interesting comments and ideas that I receive from many of you each day!

May 2013 be filled with inspiration, abundant health and quality time for your loved ones. If you think your New Year's haiku is good, send it this way. I'll have it delivered to the party. The pigeons will know where it is.

 Happy New Year!



Two Super Foods that make me shimmer

It’s a shame that editors pressured Stephanie Meyer to change the characters of Twilight. Originally it was a love story about Edward - a young 300 year old vegan health enthusiast from my island nation...

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In from the cold: Darth Veda looks for healing.

How long can anyone hold on to the dark side? The thought of spending longer than a day holding ill will against someone seems no less than exhausting. What of career villains?

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Wisdom of the ancients: 10 secrets to abundant energy.

They didn't know about calories, cave man diets, protein, north beach, south beach, vitamins or supplements. They did know about sacred geometry, astronomy, astrology, numerology, phi and pi. They also knew a lot about nature, and the laws under which it abides.

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