Shhh. I am the Presidentess of a secret island nation. My country is so advanced, we have long rid ourselves of health issues, power struggles, arms races ('cause arms don't race that fast), animal abuse, and, of course, bacon. Now is not the time to withhold all that I know, and so I blog.




Entries in Philosophy (24)


Dear Presidentess: Do I choose the red pill or the blue pill. Help me! 

How can I make the right decisions in life? Do I take the job? Or move to that town? Should I be a doctor, an artist or Magic Mike? Should I marry or be modern and fancy-free? Do I buy into the material dream and strive for the large house, boat, holidays abroad, and so on? People seem to make critical decisions easily, but I’m beginning to suspect that they are all faking.

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Zoolander reveals the secret to Enlightenment

“I share the same heartbeat with all of humanity. Not all of them actually; just the ones with really chiseled abs and stunning features like my own. I have been on a long journey, a long, long journey. Do I have to qualify how long my journey was? OK".

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He Who Shall Not Be Named Adapts to New Spiritual Paradigm

For decades this iconic leader harboured spiritual secrets so powerful, they were nothing less than a burden. In all his years of living as an enlightened master, he searched in vain to find a compeer bright enough to impart the full extent of his wisdom. Ultimately, he who shall not be named concluded that it was not easy being green.

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Dear Presidentess: One with everything, please!

Dear Presidentess, I have been getting in touch with oneness for years now. Each day I repeat in a deep, breathy voice, "I am a dynamic person!" for five minutes with soulful contemplation. Yet I am still unable to walk through walls?

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Dear Diary, This is Year 0

Today was supposed to not happen. We are all not dead! Amazing! What did the Mayans know! Better look outside the window and check, for what, aliens? Submerged coastline? Triffids?

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