Shhh. I am the Presidentess of a secret island nation. My country is so advanced, we have long rid ourselves of health issues, power struggles, arms races ('cause arms don't race that fast), animal abuse, and, of course, bacon. Now is not the time to withhold all that I know, and so I blog.





10 Proven* Ideas to Enhance Your Beauty

It’s easy.  Simply enhance and fortify your energy field. We are electrical beings by nature, and this energy is what we respond to when we feel beautiful or perceive it in others. The following suggestions either generate more energy for us to use and exude, or they transform our energy into a higher, more brilliant state of being.

1. Meditate.        

Take command of the horses that are pulling your carriage, so to speak.  Charge the largest battery that you possess - your power of will - so that you can accomplish anything that you focus on.  Become centred and still, and from this place, act with wisdom.  Success is akin to possessing a large aura of inspiring energy.

2. Practice yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi and other ancient martial arts.

Strengthen your physical body and increase your life force (Prana).  Naturally your strength and brighter energy will radiate out into your environment which will respond positively to you.

3. Eat pure organic foods.  Avoid additives and concentrated or processed foods.

This vehicle that you are driving on this planet needs absolute care and attention if you want it to age slowly and gracefully.  Abuse it and the simple laws of cause and effect will come into play.  Treat your body with great respect and care.  It doesn’t deserve the hours of abuse that 60 seconds of taste satisfaction will produce.

4. Avoid alcohol. 

But alcohol has anti-oxidants I hear you argue.  Yes, a lot of poisonous things have anti-oxidants.  It doesn’t make it good for us.  One of the many reasons to avoid alcohol is because of the damage that it does to your nervous system.  Do you want to be connected to the subtle, higher energies of this planet?  Do you want to feel your life force energy soar?  Then you will have to take the greatest care of your nervous system.  To awaken parts of your brain that you may have never used requires great concentration, and an alcohol-free life.

5. Connect with nature and a take a healthy dose of sunshine. 

Surround yourself with nature and win a huge dose of health and happiness-enhancing negative ions emitted by the natural environment.  It’s a chance to cleanse the harmful positive ions that man-made structures emit, and has been known to stimulate depression, hyperactivity and violence.  Sunshine is one of the most important ingredients to living a disease-free life.  We receive vitamin D from the sun, which strengthens our bone structure and circulatory system; it maintains our normal heart rhythm, hormone balance and improves the functions of our cells.  It also helps to control bacterial and viral overwhelm.  Early morning or late afternoon light has the greatest benefit.

6. Pursue your passion.

Passion is the driving force of life.  Happiness and inspiration is the vehicle.  Passion illuminates the path that guides our life.  All of our paths are different.  Follow your passion and feel your energy strengthen and lift; achieve success and health easily! 

7. Avoid brain-diminishing activities such as watching TV.

Studies show that watching TV increases alpha brain waves.  In other words, your brain functions as much as if you were sitting alone in the dark.  Surprisingly, watching Real Housewives, Iron Chef or Gossip Girl will lead to mental lethargy, and can tip your hormone balance towards depression-mode.  I thought it was from watching Iron Chef Sakai chop up a pot full of octopus. Engaging with your TV can have the opposite effect to feeling light, inspired and beautiful.

8. Be aware of the influence that your surrounding world has upon you.

Sometimes you have to be in a negative or intense environment.  No matter:

Create a “green zone” and stay inside your boundary. From within that quiet place you can observe everything.  Be in your environment, but not of it.  Always remember, there are only three businesses: Yours, Others and Gods.  Stay inside your business, no matter how tempting, and possess all the light and energy you need.

9. Eat at least one completely raw meal per day. 

Raw foods replenish your mineral stores and keep your system operating at a more optimal alkaline pH.  Raw foods contain light that has transmuted into the plant cells. Eating carrots enhances your skin colour and can make you look younger

10. Fast or avoid solid food one day per week. 

Strong evidence in the latest studies shows that fasting boosts levels of BDNG (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) thought to help protect human brains from Alzheimer’s disease.  It lowers cholesterol, triglycerides and chronic disease, at the same time it increases your life span. Importantly it allows your body to know its relationship with your vital life force energy, which is often ignored when the demanding activity of digestion is present. 

See, it’s that easy.  Remember, all you have is right now.  The choices you make in this moment or the activity that you do right now is all that matters.

* Proven by me!



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Reader Comments (1)

Is it true? Can an avalanche of food, alcohol and tv be bad for me? But I trust the media to tell me no lies - that I need all these things to be happy...
Please tell me more - I see a crack in my reality beginning in my peripheral vision...

May 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDalu

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