Shhh. I am the Presidentess of a secret island nation. My country is so advanced, we have long rid ourselves of health issues, power struggles, arms races ('cause arms don't race that fast), animal abuse, and, of course, bacon. Now is not the time to withhold all that I know, and so I blog.




Entries by Yoga Leaks (88)


Dear Presidentess: The Gene

Dear Divine Presidentess. I love your blog and look forward to it every week. Do you think some folks are born with a gene that makes them mentally stronger than others? You know, where no matter what happens, they can see the right path clearly, are strong within themselves, are self assured and can stay on their path and do what is required?

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8 Limbs of Yoga: manifest your dreams -- if you still want them (Part 3)

These next two limbs are about leaving the physical world to embark on an adventurous voyage of conquering the wild oceans, rugged mountains and, eventually, the savannah -- of the mind. A whole new universe opens, brighter and simpler than what we can fathom.

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The Enlightenment leak that is not alien science (Part 2)

Why does describing the eight limbs feel like a leak? The people of my country thread the eight limbs practice into their life from an early age. It’s as natural as eating three fresh organic meals each day. They learn about it in school: history, morals and ethics class; and it forms the basis for their yoga and meditation classes.

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Enlightenment in 8 simple steps! (Part 1)

Yoga makes you enlightened, right? Well, so says everybody -- who does not know what they are talking about. And enlightenment means what exactly? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you at the end. Though it may not take you to the all-seeing-all-knowing heights of levitating bliss, yoga asana – aka Hatha yoga - delivers more benefits than just physical prowess. The practice alludes to an equally powerful inner experience. What's up with that?!

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Shennong the Yeti

My secret agents received information that a Yeti was seen in the snowy hills of the high country. Bravely, they surrounded what was a small and slightly effeminate Yeti, and brought him down from the mountains to answer some hard questions. Some of the transcript is leaked below.

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