Shhh. I am the Presidentess of a secret island nation. My country is so advanced, we have long rid ourselves of health issues, power struggles, arms races ('cause arms don't race that fast), animal abuse, and, of course, bacon. Now is not the time to withhold all that I know, and so I blog.




Entries by Yoga Leaks (88)


Underrated List Item 2: Being Absurd. 

My father has been called eccentric, artistic, too honest, idealistic, incapable (my mother’s contribution), and very funny. Growing up with him was thrilling and frustrating. Money was meaningless to him; much to the great vexation of my mother who paid the bills. An engineer, he constructed and fixed things with metal. For payment, he accepted anything that his clients showed up with: broken stereos, old TV’s and cars, a bag of crabs, baked cakes, cooking utensils…

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Immigration Files of Bodytalk Prodigy Leaked

If you have missed the past blog articles, Bodytalk is a healing system that was brought to Earth from Betazed by Captain Jean-Luc of the USS Starship Enterprise. Commander Deanna Troi, a half Betazoid empath, uses this technique to assist her human friends bring their bodymind to balance.

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Channelling 100 monkeys through Chinese Whispers

When I caught up with my girlfriend this week, she told me that all of her friends and relatives had decided to stay the weekend in her home. Each of them made the decision independantly, unbeknownst to the other friends and family members. I said, “It sounds a lot like the 100th Monkey Syndrome – or at least, a hundred monkeys are staying at your home right now". Her face registered nothing; I had lost her.

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From your part of the world

Here is a humorous clip that young Padawan Jodi showed me.  I apologise about the course word in the title; it tends to make a perfectly good sentence boring.  Anyway, funny it is.  Thank you Jodi.


Domo learns a yoga secret

There is one yoga posture - or asana – that contains all of the principles that you need, to practice all of the asanas of yoga. If you understand and apply them in this posture, the rest of the yoga asanas will seem much easier to practice. Of course some require a certain amount of strength and flexibility, and this is really easy to attain! You just need to practice every day. Yes I see you smile in agreement with me; it’s that easy, right?

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