Shhh. I am the Presidentess of a secret island nation. My country is so advanced, we have long rid ourselves of health issues, power struggles, arms races ('cause arms don't race that fast), animal abuse, and, of course, bacon. Now is not the time to withhold all that I know, and so I blog.




Entries by Yoga Leaks (88)


Pythagoras and The Meal of Hercules

And this is how education fails us. Pythagoras has a story that rivals Jesus or any historical figure of biblical times. Of all that he was, the triangle stuff was his smallest contribution to the illumination of humanity.

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State of the Union Address (Part 1)

Who loves politics? Yeah, me neither, and I am the President. I keep this in mind when I give the obligatory State of the Union Address to the great people of my nation, and make sure that I don’t bore my audience. I know them to be highly intelligent, therefore I need not explain too much.

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RAAAA! Foodies Unite - and get real!

One vegetarian diet that has been trending for the past few years is that of the raw food persuasion. The meat eaters’ version of this would be the Paleo diet, but that’s a fleshy story for another day. Raw food vegetarians believe that it was nature’s intension to eat only raw fruits, vegetables and sprouted grains. Personally, this way of eating makes me drool, but I don't think that I am of the same mold as others.

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Homo Vegetarianus Has Arrived - and they're breeding like rabbits!

It happened in our lifetime, and about to be made official: Homo Sapiens have died; they're buried and fossilised. The new Homo Vegetarianus is now born. It happened quickly, evolutionarily speaking of course. And who knew?! Twenty years ago, it would have been enough to say "I'm vegetarian", and the subject was left at that. It was a new, probably radical idea; and the general population had to figure out how they felt about it.

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10 offerings of my father's wisdom

(continued from the last article) He loves to cut corners, entertain, and dance with little old ladies a little too vigorously. True to his character, here are some of his wisest offerings. 1. Tents can be pitched and enjoyed just as easily upside down. People who believe that tents should only be constructed right-way-up are correctist. Or Swiss.

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