Shhh. I am the Presidentess of a secret island nation. My country is so advanced, we have long rid ourselves of health issues, power struggles, arms races ('cause arms don't race that fast), animal abuse, and, of course, bacon. Now is not the time to withhold all that I know, and so I blog.




Entries by Yoga Leaks (88)


What would you do?

Here’s a story: There was a man who wanted nothing in life except to cultivate his relationship with the great Divine. He lived in the forest, had no possessions, meditated and prayed. Though not belonging to any spiritual affiliation, one could say that he lived as a monk. He honoured one rule more than any: to never lie in his thoughts, words or actions. This would surely guarantee him a one way passage into the heart of his beloved God.

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Bodytalk: A Very Effective Conversation.

You’re coming down with something. What do you do? Of course you turn to your trusty colour therapist or tarot reader like any level-headed person. When I was a young hippie living in Byron Bay, Australia, I might have turned to a chakra balancer or a past life healer. Once, I had a sore shoulder that wouldn’t heal because there was a spear still stuck in it from three lifetimes ago. So obvious; how could I have missed that?!

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Switching from Crazy

Switching is an exciting word. To me it congures images exciting and scary, and might involve gender, wives, or drug habits. But have you heard of this kind of switching - the one that your brain does?

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Underrated List Item 1: Being a Better Person.

At the tender age of 18 I bought a one way ticket from my country to the United States in search of “life”. Then yada, yada, yada: I was invited to a Senators party in Manhattan. These were the days before President Berlusconi and DSK made such stories sound sordid; and let me assure you, the invite was “above the table”, so to speak. Dignitaries hardly had patience for my thick Australian accent, On my way to the Senators Party slow-paced-scenic-tour-style speech and impossible naivety. And with every introduction I was asked what do you do?

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Road Testing Sacred Meal and Pulse

First, let's be be clear: There is the product, and then there is the company behind the product. After enjoying both Sacred Meal and Pulse for more than a year, I found both sacred meals phenomenal. As for the companies that represent them, well, let’s say they are like yin and yang. Here I road test Sacred Meal and Pulse, as well as the vehicle - the way their company offers the meals to you, the “consumer”. What would Yahdoh say about the word Consumer. I'm sure he would change it to something much more interesting like .... Oh I tried but I can't. Strong enough in me the force is not.

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